About Me
Everywhere I go, I see beauty. Often it’s right out in front of me, but there are times when it’s less obvious, and I have to adjust my lens or my angle to spot it…but it always appears. Life is magical like that. I have changed lenses and angles, added an external flash, filters, and even hauled out the tri-pod a time or two to find the beauty in 2020! Come on, now…you know what I’m saying.
As it so often does, all that extra maneuvering revealed something special. In fact, what emerged was a strong desire to reflect all that beauty back out into the world in a tangible way. The only question was how. Obviously, the answer was to start a blog, right? On my 50th birthday? Of course! With no idea where it will go, and very little technical background, so I’m asking in advance for your grace on that part. Yah, really…I’m gonna need you to hold space here.
So I guess that just leaves introductions, right? I’m a wife (30 amazing years), surviving member of the boy-mom club (he’s 19 now), a fan of sports, coffee, Italy and Jesus (not necessarily in that order). I drive a stick, prefer Dutch Brothers over Starbucks, Nikon over Canon, support small business, believe in giving complements to strangers, and I cuss periodically. While blogging is pretty new to me, I know this is something I’m supposed to be doing – like, I just KNOW. So if you’re up for an adventure, and probably a lot of laughter, I’m here to share my photography, my thoughts, and whatever else comes to mind.